The CanadianAnimation GuildIATSE Local 938 |
Honourable Withdrawal FAQ Can I be still a member of the Canadian Animation Guild if I leave my unionized workplace? Yes! We encourage our members to maintain their membership while not working at a unionized studio so that they can continue to access the benefits of their membership that exist outside of the collective agreements at their workplace. Your membership can be maintained simply by continuing to pay your quarterly dues. Can I step away from my CAG 938 Membership? Yes, you can step away from your CAG 938 membership. This is done via a system called "Honourable Withdrawal" which can be taken once a member has paid all dues and fees that they owe CAG, or have paid their first owed Quarter of membership - whichever is applicable to your circumstances. To request Honourable Withdrawal, please write an email to our Local's Secretary (, and state that you would like to take Honourable Withdrawal. Please include your most recent end date at a unionized studio, so that we can confirm that your dues are up to date. Members on Honourable Withdrawal will have their memberships reactivated when they return to work at a unionized studio, or upon a written request to the Local Secretary. Members on Honourable Withdrawal will no longer be considered active, and will not be able to access certain union benefits until they return. When Can I Request Honourable Withdrawal? As long as you are not currently employed in an unionized studio that requires membership as a condition of your employment, you may request Honourable Withdrawal at any time. Common reasons to request Honourable Withdrawal include:
If you request Honourable Withdrawal within the first 30 days of a Quarter, you may be able to request a refund of any dues collected for that respective Quarter. If your request for Honourable Withdrawal occurs at any other time in the Quarter, you will be expected to pay for the current Quarter alongside any other outstanding invoices and late fees before your request can be processed. There are pros and cons to stepping away from your membership and requesting Honourable Withdrawal. Please examine the following points below so that you can make an informed decision: