An account will have been created for you using the personal email address you provided to your employer when you were hired or the email address you provided on your membership application. Use the "Forgot Password" button to reset your password and log in to your account. DO NOT log in with Facebook or Google.
Click on the "Join" Button
Follow the on-screen instructions from here to pay your quarterly dues.
If you like, you can set up automatic payments to pay your dues, however please note that automatic payments for quarterly dues are processed on the first day of each Quarter (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st).
If you are paying for a quarter late, you will need to manually pay that quarter or contact the Business Agent ( to have a manual invoice assigned to you.
What If I Can't Pay My Quarterly Dues?
We completely understand if a member is facing financial difficulties and cannot pay their quarterly dues for certain periods of time. We have a Dues Payment Assistance Policy, to help these members access financial aid until they are back on their feet.
Members in need of assistance are asked to fill out the Dues Payment Assistance Application Form and return it to a member of the executive board for approval at the next regularly scheduled executive board meeting.
Quarterly dues are considered late after the end of the quarter they are owed in.
If you're late in paying your dues, your membership is considered Not In Good Standing. Please see Overdue Payments for further details, and for resources to remedy your situation so your membership can be brought back into Good Standing as soon as possible.